Know your readers across your full brand footprint
To know what will engage busy, demanding readers – and advertisers – takes more than basic data and insights. With MRI’s custom online Magazine Media Brand Studies, media content providers (magazine publishers, websites, newspapers) can get a deeper understanding of their most important audiences and what drives them.
Drawing on MRI’s unmatched research expertise, Magazine Media Brand Studies can give you a comprehensive picture of your readers’ key demographics, purchase behaviors, and attitudes – information designed to help you know your audience and differentiate your brand positioning with advertisers.
With Magazine Media Brand Studies, MRI-Simmons works hand-in-hand with clients to:
- Create a custom questionnaire that can compare your audience to national norms
- Program, test, and host a survey that reflects your brand's look and feel
- Provide guidance in recruiting respondents via email, web, and social media

Key Benefits
Drive revenue with media planners, buyers and advertisers
Strengthen your current advertiser relationships and develop new ones
Connect with your current print and digital audiences, allowing you to better serve their needs and attract new readers
Benchmark your audience data against MRI’s Survey of the American Consumer to identify your competitive advantage